Soil of periurban dwellings like scenario of development and/or infection of potentially zoonotic parasites in northeast of Argentina

Hugo Yamil Saipe, Rumesilda Eliana Alegre, María de los Ángeles Gómez Muñoz, Francisca Milano


In this research, soil contamination in household environment with soil-borne parasites species in dwellings of a periurban neighborhood and a shantytown in northeast of Argentina was described and associated with sanitary variables. Each house evaluated was considered as a unit of analysis. The samples were analyzed under three different techniques: centrifugal sedimentation; Willis Molloy flotation and flotation with Sheather's solution. Out of the 30 houses analyzed, 12 (40.0%) presented at least one parasitic forms in soil samples. We recorded three taxa, the most prevalent were nematodes larvae (related to hookworms), reported in the 30% of dwellings followed by Toxocara canis and Trichuris vulpis eggs and Cytoisospora canis oocyst in the 3,3% of houses. No statistical association was observed between soil contamination and the sanitary variables (p > 0.05). These preliminary results demonstrate that domestic environment soil could represent a high potential for infection and re-infection for humans, principally young children and their pets.

Palabras clave

household environment, soil contamination, helminths, protozoa, zoonoses.

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Traversa, D., di Regalbono, A., Di Cesare, A., La Torre, F., Drake, J., & Pietrobelli, M. (2014). Environmental contamination by canine geohelminths. Parasites & vectors, 7, 1-9. Available at: (Access February 2022)

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